Saturday, December 19, 2015

Full gender neutral standards for college sports by 2018

College Sports Must Be Fully Integrated by 2018
Washington D.C. - Following a unanimous recommendation by the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI), U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced the full and complete implementation of Title IX. It will end all gender-based sports and each conference will continue to move forward with a plan to eliminate all unnecessary gender-based barriers to college athletics.
The change is intended to ensure that the best-qualified and most-capable person, regardless of sex, are allowed to play the sport of their choice for their chosen college.

“If members of that college can meet the qualifications for a job, then they should have the right to serve, regardless of creed, color, gender or sexual orientation,” Secretary Duncan said.
In a statement released following the announcement, President Barack Obama praised the decision.
Duncan, laying out his plan, stated, “Any school that takes any form of money from the government will need to cancel all gender-specific sports and have fully integrated teams by 2018." During the press conference, Secretary Duncan was backed up by representatives from each state's education department.
As part of the plan, each school needs to conduct studies on their sports' specific requirements. If those requirements preclude a certain gender then they will have to submit a report to the Department of Education (DOE) to justify why they are necessary.

College football

Former Adm. William McRaven, architect of the May 2011 military raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, has been assigned as the first director of the U.S. Sports Oversight Committee (USSOCOM) and is spearheading an effort to get more women and minorities to play sports.

"Women make up 56 percent of the total public-university attendance, and yet they make up zero percent of the football teams. I think we need to grow that number,” the former four-star Admiral told an audience of alumni.

McRaven told me during a recent interview,  that he was unsure what the expanded number would grow to. But he did note the current ratio of men to women playing football  is putting the teams at a disadvantage.
“Inherently, I know I need more females on the field," he said. "Females have already risen through the coaching and support-related elements of college football. But they have not been able to break into the operational side of actually playing."

The DOE must first draw up “gender-neutral” training and operations standards for all sport teams, and officials said they were due to be turned in by September, 2015. Those training and operations standards will put physical-fitness requirements for male and female candidates on equal footing.

McRaven said, "Women athletes have already played a keyrole on the field, standing alongside male athletes in some of the most difficult games of the year. The all-female units, known as cheerleaders, played a key role in many conference championships. We saw the great work that they did while working alongside college and even professional football teams." He went on to say he was working within the state bureaus to establish a new path for female members of universities based closely on the female field-hockey teams.
Some of the new rules to be implemented:
  • Hire coaching “advisers” from the women’s studies program to oversee recruitment, try-outs, training, and management decisions.
  • If no women make it to the team as starters, the government will conduct an audit of every decision made throughout the process.
  • During the season, the teams are required to live in open bunk rooms to build team cohesion and unity. (Schools are required to provide separate bathing and locker-room facilities for the female team members)
  • Male members of the team are required to complete 40 hours of sexual-harassment and rape-prevention training each season.
Secretary Duncan explained the outline to full implementation: “First, we are going to change how college sports run their conferences." He went on to explain that all colleges receiving public money will have to abide by these rules, but private universities will be exempt. “To make it fair, teams in each conference will only play like schools during the season. Public schools will play public schools, private will play private. They will only meet when it comes to the conference championship. Then the best teams from each side will come together to decide the conference title.”

Senator Barbara Boxer praised the move, saying, “This is a great moment for feminism and gender equality.” As she was leaving, not realizing her mic was on, she leaned over and could be heard saying, “Maybe the public conferences could just use flags instead of hitting each other. That seems more fair.”
Next story: BREAKING NEWS—Texas Declares Independence.
(Featured Image Courtesy:

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Is the Wounded Warrior Project the charity you want to donate to?

I got this gem from the guys at POG Boot Fucks Facebook page.
It appears that we’ve touched a nerve with a few folks regarding our WWP post. Good.
Here’s some more information for WWP based upon data that we could pull from their website, Feel free to review.
For 2014: WWP, brought in $342,066,114. Almost 350 Million dollars.

Now, how did they spend that money (page 3/76 of the 2014 form 990 listed above)
Alumni: $37,913,075
Combat Stress Recovery: $27,946,118
Soldier Ride: $16,033,248
Other Program Services: $107,665,659

This means that 55.42% of the money raised actually went to helping wounded vets. (We're going to do our best to dig into the "other services."

Let’s look at page 10 of the tax for – the expense report.

Compensation and benefits for WWP employees and directors: $37,826,382. Just interesting. The employees and directors get more than everything besides the alumni association. And that’s a small difference between the two.
A few other interesting facts:
• $6.5 million for office expenses
• $4.7 million for Occupancy
• $2 million for I.T.
• $7.5 million for travel
• $26 million for Conferences, conventions and meetings.

A few folks have responded saying that the numbers at 55-59% are not such a bad thing. Surprisingly (according to 90% of the charities out there spend 66% or more of their money on the specific program.
• At the end of FY2010, WWP had an unused balance of $8.5 million
• At the end of FY2011, WWP had an unused balance of $36.3 million
• At the end of FY2012, WWP had an unused balance of $101.4 million
• At the end of FY2013, WWP had an unused balance of $175.5 million
• At the end of FY2014, WWP had an unused balance of $248.3 million

We're fairly sure at PBF that a quarter of a billion dollars could really help out wounded warriors Are they attempting to open the first bank and trust of Wounded Warriors?

WWP has helped some service members. (Obviously, or this would be a complete fucking scam.) We also get that there are costs to have good people leading an organization. It appears to us that WWP is using patriotic Americans to support themselves. The real challenge comes in – is this organization using wounded Vets to support THEIR lifestyles. Are they doing enough to address the cause?

There are numerous anecdotal stories of this organization sending out hats and other promo to wounded vets. There are also the socks sent to guys with no legs. Dafuq is this shit?

There are many organizations that try to keep the expenses to a minimum while supporting the actual cause. We will do our best in the future to highlight these organizations as many people are requesting such information.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

First female non Infantry qualified Drill Instructor will start training futureInfantrymen

Staff Sgt. Jael Landaverde, a military police officer assigned to 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, poses while wearing her drill sergeant hat Dec. 3 outside the “Ready First” Brigade headquarters at East Fort Bliss. Landaverde is set to make history as one of the first female infantry drill sergeants.

"Landaverde, who took the Iron Drill award for earning the highest physical fitness test score of all the females – 298 out of a possible 300 points – is ready to pull her weight with the new recruits.
“When it comes to physical things, a lot of people have the mindset that females can’t keep up,” said Landaverde. 'Well, I’m going to keep up, especially in the ruck marches and the runs.'"

As was so adroitly pointed out by a SF Qualified friend of mine.

She scored a 298 on her PT test, it's not like she isn't in awesome physical condition.
48 Pushups (69 pts male)
82 Situps (100 pts male)
15:48 in the run (73 pts male)
Oh, that's only a score of 242 by the male standards. I assume that's not very good, but in 18 years in SF I never saw anybody score that low so I'm not positive. I do know that would have gotten her kicked out of my company.
I got this message from a friend who has been in the Infantry for the past 8 Years. Due to the fact that he is still active, I asked if I could share this, and leave his name out.

Just to piss you off a little more, [the same friend who is a Drill Instructor currently at Fort Benning, and told him about the non Infantry qualified female Infantry Drill Sgt) also told me that for "red phase", they now do all of their ruck marches and movements in running shoes to avoid "blisters and shin splints". [The Drill Instructors] are also required to give them 15 minutes "uninterrupted" for meals. I immediately got to work this morning and verified [these new standards] with my new privates and both are true.
Is the enemy going to give us time out for blisters? 
Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. 
I look at my last deployment to Kunar, and I see no way 99% of females are climbing those mountains. But we have to be PC. I told my buddy yesterday, "I'm not a bitch, but I don't want to do a single combat deployment for the remainder of my career." 
I have no faith in the product they are pumping out of basic, and we have demonstrated that PC matters more than lethality. I never felt fear going into my last 3 [deployments], but if I got sent again I would feel genuine fear. And it's because I'm getting guys who can't ruck, can't land nav, cry when you yell at them, can't pass APFT, and soon females...trained by females who aren't even infantry.\ 
The military has going down the shitter. And this guy who has never worn a uniform took it upon himself to open not only "big Army", but also presumptuous enough to open up Special Operations?

This gives some weight to the consistent rumors throughout the combat arms community of the lowering of the standards. These standards have been incrementally lowered over the last few years in order to prepare for the inevitable and cowardly acquiescence of our leaders. 

The lowering (or you can use the new buzzword “efficient”) of standards over many years has allowed the leadership to say, without perjuring themselves that “women will meet the same standards as the men.”

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Equality and fairness in the Military: More Combat deaths for women and minorities

Ultimately, America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity, the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired.
Robert F. Kennedy

Colonel Mike Copenhayer while not technically an “operator” he has spent a lot of time in SOF units screwing up awards, losing promotion packets and generally making it as difficult as possible for the guy on the tip of the spear to do his job.

As the personnel officer who has been the J1 at the Joint Special Operations Command, G1 at the US Army Special Operations Command, he has made life exceedingly difficult for a huge percentage of all Special Operations Force soldiers.
Not satisfied with only a “huge percentage” Colonel Copenhayer recently wrote “The Integration of Minorities into Special Operations: How Cultural Diversity Enhances Operations” while attending United States Army War College.

After and USA Today picked up the story it created a firestorm that erupted throughout the halls of power. The Armed Services committee commissioned a report from the Congressional Research Service which highlighted with cold hard numbers the institutional inequality and lack of diversity within the armed forces.

Vowing to fix this inequality a bi-partisan agreement was reached and a new law was passed, late last night. General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has ordered all women and minorities regardless of branch to immediately report to Afghanistan. These new replacements, will immediately replace all front line combat troops who are privileged, white males.

The reports shocking discovery showed that although 63.7% of America is white 85% of deaths in Afghanistan, and 82.6% in Iraq were white males.

Even worse while according to the U.S. Census bureau 49% of Americans are female but females only made up 2.1% of casualties for Afghanistan, and a slightly higher, 2.5% for Iraq.

Senator Dianne Feinstein immediately stated “This casualty inequality, cannot stand.”
General Dempsey told Hit the Woodline in a phone interview today, “We know from all of our classified studies, that we don’t release, that women do not have the ability to carry the average infantry load.”

“This actually really works well for us though. Starting now, we will not issue women any body armor, so they can more easily maneuver on the enemy and patrol in the mountains.” He continued “without the extra weight of the body armor we are sure to quickly close this unfair gender casualty gap.”

General Dempsey highlighted and explained a new unit. “Due to this massive inequality chasm, specifically the gender casualty gap, we will make special, highly mobile units who can be sent to wherever the fighting happens to be the most vicious and brutal.” These shock troops will be made up of black and Hispanic women only.”
“This is really good, every minority woman who gets killed actually counts for two spaces on this spreadsheet that gets sent to me twice a day.”

The spokesman for the Joint Chiefs of Staff said “we have to get 3,170 women killed, in order to make it fair. Hopefully we can accomplish this in a few months.